The Elders Scroll Skyrim - Precision

What is this page? This page is an homage to one of my favourite games of all time, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It's been my obsession for nearly 12 years and it will probably forever be in my heart.

Why this game? Honestly, I don't actually know why I love this game so much. It has a lot of issues, the only thing that keeps it going is the modding community. But I think what I love the most about this game is that it's been a constant comfort in my life when things go wrong. It never felt burdensome to turn on my pc and play the game, and I could flow in and out of the game freely without stress. Well, out of the world, not so much. When I was younger I wanted to live in the world of Skyrim, no matter how tough or dangerous it was, I wanted to live that way. It also has an incredible soundtrack, probably too good for the game that it actually is. The game itself has a lovable charm and had the potential to be a deep, intricately made game, which was cut short by a greedy company who pushed for an 11/11/11 release date and by the limitations of the bethesda engine on which they had created the game on. This game just somehow makes me keep wanting to play it forever and ever and I don't know how.
